What’s an “Inbound” Exchange Student?

What’s an “Inbound” Exchange Student?

An “Inbound” is a high school student who’s been selected by a Rotary Club abroad to spend an incredible year with us. In Rotary District 5010, our Inbounds arrive in early August and stay until July the following year.

Why be an Inbound?

Why be an Inbound?

Being an Inbound Exchange Student offers you an array of amazing experiences:

  • You get to be an ambassador for your country and community.

  • Lifelong friendships are waiting for you, not just in your host country, but from all around the world.

  • You’ll learn about different cultures, practices, and achievements from people around the globe.

  • Returning home, you’ll have a broader worldview and a deeper understanding of yourself and your own culture.

  • The lessons learned during your exchange will shape you as a leader.

  • Last but not least, you’ll create memories that will stay with you forever.

Information for Current Inbounds

Information for Current Inbounds

Since we’re close to Canada, and it’s a fantastic opportunity to explore both Canada and the United States, we strongly recommend obtaining a visa for Canada in addition to the required multi-entry student visa for the United States. This will make traveling between countries for Rotary functions much easier. If you face any difficulties or delays in obtaining your visa, please reach out to our district for assistance.

Your arrival destination is Anchorage, Alaska. You’ll receive the exact arrival date and allowed arrival times. Details about transportation from the airport to your hosting community will also be provided. Make sure to attend the Inbound Orientation immediately upon arrival. It’s a critical part of setting you up for a successful exchange year. Please note that we can’t accept students after the start of the school year.

Travel arrangements should be made from your homeland to Anchorage, Alaska. Ensure you have an unrestricted, open ticket that allows travel back home anytime. If you’re using a seasonal carrier or charter airline that doesn’t operate year-round, please provide an additional $1000.00 emergency fund in case you need to return home when your carrier isn’t operating.

To ensure a smooth cultural and educational exchange, we’ve found that family visits during the exchange year can disrupt the process. Therefore, visits by parents or family members will not be permitted. Past exchange students have found it more enjoyable and rewarding to travel back to their host country one to two years after their exchange year.

We have some fantastic weekend events lined up for you, and the best part is that Rotary 5010 covers the expenses! Make sure to participate in the following:

  • Fall Orientation: This takes place in early August when you arrive in Alaska. It’s a great opportunity to get to know our rules, our culture, and meet other inbound students.
  • Winter Orientation: Held in early January, Winter Orientation is our biggest Youth Exchange event. You’ll have the chance to meet current and future outbound students and make unforgettable memories.

You’ll need to purchase our district’s insurance policy. The specific details and claim forms can be found on our Insurance carrier’s website Chubb Accident & Health. The insurance covers you from the time you leave home until you return after your exchange. Proof of insurance may be necessary to obtain your student visa. We’ll provide you with all the policy information before your departure. Payment can be made via PayPal invoice using the instructions provided.

If English isn’t your native language, learning English quickly and effectively is crucial for a successful stay here. Your ability and willingness to learn our language will make everything more interesting as you can express yourself and understand those around you better.

School plays a vital role in the Rotary Youth Exchange Program. Attending all school classes, unless excused for a “valid reason,” is a must. Valid reasons include participating in a Rotary activity. Set goals for your studies with the help of your teachers and do your best to achieve them. You’re also encouraged to participate in school and community activities like sports, dance, theater, debate, or music. Making friends may be challenging initially, but be outgoing, patient, and keep trying. Taking part in school activities will help you socialize and form friendships.

You’ll receive a monthly allowance of $100.00 from your Host Rotary Club as “pocket money” to cover your expenses. It’s essential to arrive with an emergency fund of $500.00, which should be replenished by your parents when it becomes low. The fund will be held in trust by your Host Club and made available to you as needed. Traveler’s checks are easily cashed, and ATMs are readily available. Remember, you’ll be living with “middle-class” families, so avoid excessive spending.

While this isn’t primarily a travel exchange, there are some opportunities for travel at an additional cost.

We’ve included the names, addresses, email, and telephone numbers of your Host Rotary Club’s Youth Exchange Officer (YEO) and your first Host Family. Feel free to reach out to them with any questions you may have about your new family, school, and the area you’ll be living in. During your stay, you’ll likely live with two or three Host Families. Treat them as your own family and contribute your fair share to household responsibilities. They’ve graciously opened their homes to you and are eager to help you in any reasonable way possible.

Alaska’s weather varies across the state. The most extreme temperatures are found in Interior Alaska. Along the coast, the temperatures are more moderate.

In March, you can expect temperatures around 37°F (3°C) in Juneau, 33°F (1°C) in Anchorage, and 22°F (-6°C) in Fairbanks.

Wintertime visitors are often surprised to find relatively warm temperatures. Many other cities in the United States experience colder weather. Anchorage and other lowland areas have similar winter temperatures to the Rocky Mountain States. The winter climate in Alaska is crisp and dry, and certain areas receive less precipitation than New York City. Don’t worry too much about the cold and wilds of Alaska, especially in Ketchikan, Juneau, Kodiak, and Anchorage.

Contrary to popular belief, we don’t live in igloos or use dog sleds to get around town!

To find lots of information about traveling to Alaska, follow this link [insert website link].

Southeast Alaska, where you’ll find the Rotary Clubs of Juneau, Ketchikan, Petersburg, and Sitka, has a climate similar to Seattle, Washington. The area experiences a mild, maritime climate, with July temperatures averaging 60°F. The region has abundant rainfall, contributing to its lush rainforests and extensive glaciation. It’s also home to the Tlingit, Haida, or Tsimshian Indians, with opportunities to experience their art, handcrafted jewelry, and traditional Native dances.

South-central Alaska, which includes the Rotary Clubs of Anchorage, Kodiak, the Kenai Peninsula, and Matanuska Valley, enjoys a moderate climate typical of coastal regions and is sometimes called the “banana belt.” Summer weather is comparable to that of San Francisco, with long days and up to 20 hours of daylight. In winter, the weather resembles Innsbruck, Austria.

Interior Alaska, encompassing the Rotary Clubs of Fairbanks, experiences an extremely dry climate. Many areas receive less precipitation than a desert. Fairbanks and other Interior towns have long, hot summer days, with temperatures reaching the high 90s°F (35°C). The Far North seacoast towns are cooler, with summertime temperatures in the 60s°F (15°C). Winter days have shorter periods of daylight, but the dark winter sky often showcases the vivid Aurora Borealis, or Northern Lights.

Looking for an incredible opportunity to travel abroad, immerse yourself in a different culture, and proudly represent your home country as an ambassador? Embark on an unforgettable journey as an outbound student, or consider the rewarding experience of becoming a host family. District 5010 Rotary Youth Exchange can make it happen!

Inbound Travel Opportunities

Inbound Travel Opportunities

Rotary Youth Exchange in Alaska encourages travel to explore our beautiful state. Each year, the District considers various Alaska experiences. If you have any questions, please contact our Inbound Coordinator at Inbound@RYE5010.org.

Policy for Inbound Student Travel

Policy for Inbound Student Travel

This document outlines the procedure and information necessary for travel by Inbound Students. Travel is permitted for educational purposes, but independent travel alone or with other exchange students is not allowed.