Be a Rotary Exchange Student

Be a Rotary Exchange Student

Building World Peace, one Student at a time!

Building World Peace, one Student at a time.

Be a Rotary Exchange Student

Be a Rotary Exchange Student

Building World Peace, one Student at a time!

Building world peace, one student at a time.

Welcome to Rotary District 5010

Welcome to Rotary District 5010

Rotary District 5010 seeks students with leadership qualities, an open-minded attitude, and a solid moral compass. We offer scholarships for students aged 15 to 17 to study abroad for a year through our Youth Exchange program or participate in our Short Term Summer program.

As cultural ambassadors, students can immerse themselves in a foreign country’s culture, representing both their home country and the Rotary club and district that supports them. This is not merely a travel vacation but a transformative live-in experience where students stay with host families and attend school in the host country. The scholarship value of this program, including room and board, school tuition, and support from Rotary Clubs in foreign countries, amounts to nearly $25,000.

For over 75 years, Rotary Youth Exchange has been expanding horizons and fostering global understanding. With participation from over 80 countries and more than 8,000 students each year, this program is administered at the regional level by Rotary districts and at the local level by Rotary clubs.

Embark on an exciting journey of studying abroad by exploring our Outbound Program. Discover the countless opportunities that await you!

Outbound Exchange Students

Outbound Exchange Students

Rotary Youth Exchange

Discover exchange opportunities in our Long Term or Short Term Programs. We provide comprehensive information to guide and support you throughout your exciting exchange journey.

Inbound Exchange Students

Inbound Exchange Students

Rotary Youth Exchange

We offer tailored information for international students planning to come to Alaska, enhancing your cultural experience and making your journey unforgettable with guidance, resources, and valuable insights.

Rebound Exchange Students

Rebound Exchange Students

Rotary Youth Exchange

We provide valuable information and resources for Alaskan students who are returning home. Our focus is to support you in re-enculturation, dealing with friendships, and adjusting to school life.

search Exchange Countries

search Exchange Countries

Looking for an incredible opportunity to travel abroad, immerse yourself in a different culture, and proudly represent your home country as an ambassador? Embark on an unforgettable journey as an outbound student, or consider the rewarding experience of becoming a host family. District 5010 Rotary Youth Exchange can make it happen!

Discover powerful testimonials that showcase the life-changing impact of our exchange programs.



The year I spent in Mexico turned out to be pretty groundbreaking for me, mentally-speaking. The new perspective I was offered, coupled with my own personal beliefs, set my mind down its own introspective path.

Cole Mitchell, Alaska to Mexico 2018-2019

In making decisions spontaneously, I’ve become more confident about my choices- they always work out in the end! From small things like who to spend a day with to bigger things, like going on exchange, I’m less likely to doubt myself.

Bridget McTague, Alaska to France 2018-2019

I am now a totally different person with different views. I speak another language, I’ve experienced another culture, and it’s changed my views on life. It’s changed my thoughts. Having gone on exchange has shaped my decision-making skills for the better. It’s made me realize the extent of the effects my decisions have and has helped me determine who my real friends are.

Marissa Boney, Alaska to Brazil 2018-2019

While some parts of my exchange were less than ideal, all of them helped me grow as a person. I gained so much confidence and independence, more than I ever thought I could have.

Isabelle Hansen, Alaska to Chile 2018-2019

Discover the Joy of Hosting a Foreign Youth Exchange Student with Central States Rotary!

Discover the Joy of Hosting a Foreign Youth Exchange Student with Central States Rotary!

Embark on a rewarding cultural exchange and hospitality journey by hosting a Foreign Youth Exchange student with Central States Rotary.

Discover the joy of opening your home and heart to a young ambassador from a different country. Watch this heartwarming video to learn more about the transformative experiences, meaningful connections, and lifelong memories that come with being a host family. Start your incredible hosting adventure today.

Youth Exchange from a Potential Student’s Perspective

Youth Exchange from a Potential Student’s Perspective

Experience Youth Exchange from a student’s perspective and discover the transformative journey that awaits you.

Watch this captivating promo video to glimpse into the incredible adventures, lifelong friendships, and personal growth of being part of Rotary’s Youth Exchange program. Get inspired and envision your own remarkable international exchange experience.